Don’t Give a Loan or Credit to Anyone (Not Even a Friend) Without Legal Advice!

“The requirement that credit providers must be registered allows for their control and regulation, especially in relation to their financial probity and integrity, thereby avoiding the unscrupulous exploitation of credit consumers by so-called fly-by-night operators and loan sharks.” (Extract from judgment below) A recent High Court case highlights once again the dangers of lending money,…

Maintenance Claims and Life Partners

More and more couples are opting to live together as permanent life partners rather than enter into a formal marriage. The risk for such couples is that whilst our law is steadily (if slowly and cautiously) extending many of the protections of formal marriage to unmarried life partners, that process is not by any means…

Ponzi Schemes: Another MTI Judgment, Risks and Red Flags

“MTl’s business clearly amounted to an unlawful ponzi-scheme, i.e. a fraudulent investing scam promising high rates of return to investors and generating returns for earlier investors with investments taken from later investors.” (Extract from judgment below) In times of economic turmoil, the promise of “easy money” can be incredibly enticing. Unfortunately, this allure often leads…